Anderson Sheppard Dunker
Born 23 August, 2008 at 11 something in the morning.
It's pathetic, isn't it, that after the third baby, I can't even remember the exact time he was born? I'm positive that he weighed 7 lbs 5 ounces but I have no clue what his length was. Here in the UK they don't take those measurements so I take no responsibility for that missing information. I have to admit that for most of the pregnancy I couldn't even tell you how far along I was. All I could muster was my due date and hope that you'd figure it out on your own.
For those of you that have more than one child, I'm sure you're nodding your head right along with me. For those of you that are still at one will convince yourselves that you'll be different. (have I got news for you!!) And for those of you out there that don't have any children yet will think that I just don't pay attention. But it's really not my fault. And it isn't just some old wives tale. It is the God's honest truth:
Children eat your brain.
I'm hoping that it gets better with time but the unfortunate part of that is that then I get older...which we all know does not do the mind any good anyway.It 's a losing battle, I know. That's okay, I'll probably forget about it in a week.
What was I talking about before? Ah yes...Anderson.
He showed up a bit early, much to my chagrin and Matt's surprise. As many of you know, I wasn't blessed with the virtue of patience so I was psyched that he wanted to make his presence known over 2 weeks early. Personally, I knew he'd be early because the whole nesting thing kicked into overdrive that week. Instead of grocery shopping like I did pregnant with Avery, (2 shopping carts FULL at the commissary the day before she was born)...this time it was just plain shopping. Coffee tables, comforters, sheets, baskets, picture frames, pictures, curtains, knick-knacks, clothes for the girls: you name it, I probably bought it. Matt however, thought the little trouper would be on-time or even late. So when the guys at work asked him out for drinks that Friday night he of course, said yes. We have such marvelous timing, don't ya think?
Thankfully we had a few hours before it was show-time. I got some sleep and Matt got some much needed coffee. The actual delivery went fine and we both did great. I wound up with an emergency c-section because he didn't tolerate the contractions well at all (his heartrate fell very low). So off we went to surgery and I was lucky enough to have one of "those" experiences. It's one where you're happily numb and then all of a sudden, you aren't. Eck. I thought I could push through the pain and not say anything...I didn't want to be a high maintenance patient and plus I thought I just might be tough enough to take it. Silly me. Stupid Kerrie.
After white knuckling it for awhile and almost pulling the screen down, Matt finally made me say something. I'm so glad that he knows me better than I know myself! The docs took care of the pain quickly and then Matt began to give me a play by play. They then took down the screen so that I could watch the surgeon yank the little chap right out. Anders was screaming before she could even grab a hold of him. It was amazing, especially to be able to watch it despite the c-section. Then the nurses immediately grabbed him and then gave him to me...something I'll never forget. In the states I don't think they hand them over to you if you're the one flat on the table. He just laid on my chest, staring into my eyes and it was right then that I began a love affair with someone other than my husband.

Okay...I'm a little mixed up here according to Matt. He informed me, after reading through this blog that the pain meds wore off after they took Anders out and after I held him. So, like I said...I'd never forget him lying on my chest staring at me it's just that I've forgotten the time line. Told you. Children eat your brain.
He has his daddy's eyes. His nose. Mouth. Ears. I'm forced to admit, since pictures don't lie...Anders is another Dunker clone and yet again, I was merely a host. BUT...he at least has my hair. For now anyway...we'll see what happens in about 24 years.

Fast-forwarding to now. Anders is 6 weeks old already and nearly 5 pounds heavier. He is a chunk-a-dunk! Rolls, double chin and the squishiest arms. He's just so handsome and the girls can't get enough of him. I think he's got a dimple on his right cheek and he's got this smirk that melts me. It's just all going by too fast. Before you know it, he's going to be scootin' around the floor trying to pull the girls hair or running from them because they want to put eyeshadow on him. I used to think that I couldn't wait for the next milestone but for some reason, this time...I just want time to stand still.

For those of you that have more than one child, I'm sure you're nodding your head right along with me. For those of you that are still at one will convince yourselves that you'll be different. (have I got news for you!!) And for those of you out there that don't have any children yet will think that I just don't pay attention. But it's really not my fault. And it isn't just some old wives tale. It is the God's honest truth:
Children eat your brain.
I'm hoping that it gets better with time but the unfortunate part of that is that then I get older...which we all know does not do the mind any good anyway.It 's a losing battle, I know. That's okay, I'll probably forget about it in a week.
What was I talking about before? Ah yes...Anderson.
He showed up a bit early, much to my chagrin and Matt's surprise. As many of you know, I wasn't blessed with the virtue of patience so I was psyched that he wanted to make his presence known over 2 weeks early. Personally, I knew he'd be early because the whole nesting thing kicked into overdrive that week. Instead of grocery shopping like I did pregnant with Avery, (2 shopping carts FULL at the commissary the day before she was born)...this time it was just plain shopping. Coffee tables, comforters, sheets, baskets, picture frames, pictures, curtains, knick-knacks, clothes for the girls: you name it, I probably bought it. Matt however, thought the little trouper would be on-time or even late. So when the guys at work asked him out for drinks that Friday night he of course, said yes. We have such marvelous timing, don't ya think?
Thankfully we had a few hours before it was show-time. I got some sleep and Matt got some much needed coffee. The actual delivery went fine and we both did great. I wound up with an emergency c-section because he didn't tolerate the contractions well at all (his heartrate fell very low). So off we went to surgery and I was lucky enough to have one of "those" experiences. It's one where you're happily numb and then all of a sudden, you aren't. Eck. I thought I could push through the pain and not say anything...I didn't want to be a high maintenance patient and plus I thought I just might be tough enough to take it. Silly me. Stupid Kerrie.
After white knuckling it for awhile and almost pulling the screen down, Matt finally made me say something. I'm so glad that he knows me better than I know myself! The docs took care of the pain quickly and then Matt began to give me a play by play. They then took down the screen so that I could watch the surgeon yank the little chap right out. Anders was screaming before she could even grab a hold of him. It was amazing, especially to be able to watch it despite the c-section. Then the nurses immediately grabbed him and then gave him to me...something I'll never forget. In the states I don't think they hand them over to you if you're the one flat on the table. He just laid on my chest, staring into my eyes and it was right then that I began a love affair with someone other than my husband.

Okay...I'm a little mixed up here according to Matt. He informed me, after reading through this blog that the pain meds wore off after they took Anders out and after I held him. So, like I said...I'd never forget him lying on my chest staring at me it's just that I've forgotten the time line. Told you. Children eat your brain.
He has his daddy's eyes. His nose. Mouth. Ears. I'm forced to admit, since pictures don't lie...Anders is another Dunker clone and yet again, I was merely a host. BUT...he at least has my hair. For now anyway...we'll see what happens in about 24 years.

Fast-forwarding to now. Anders is 6 weeks old already and nearly 5 pounds heavier. He is a chunk-a-dunk! Rolls, double chin and the squishiest arms. He's just so handsome and the girls can't get enough of him. I think he's got a dimple on his right cheek and he's got this smirk that melts me. It's just all going by too fast. Before you know it, he's going to be scootin' around the floor trying to pull the girls hair or running from them because they want to put eyeshadow on him. I used to think that I couldn't wait for the next milestone but for some reason, this time...I just want time to stand still.

1 comment:
So Matt finally got some testosterone in the house. Congratulations. We both have three kids, can you imagine. I hope all is well, he is adorable.
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