Then there was another rascal and his personal satellite that decided it would be a good idea to walk in front of my huge SUV and sit down while said satellite debugged and deflead him. Had I not been paying attention I do believe that the girls and I would have run them over. Sloane was trying to put her two cents in when she asked them so politely to "Please Moooove!"
Obviously there aren't monkeys just roaming around London...the Brits don't even have raccoons on this island (...not that I'm complaining). So we had to travel a good distance out of the city to find a Safari Park where we were able to mingle with the beasts. And when I say mingle, I'm not saying so in jest. It wasn't like a zoo where you were behind 3 foot thick glass and electric fencing. At one point, we were literally less than 6 feet from a 2.3 ton white rhino -- with nothing in between us but air. Did you know they can run up to 30 mph?? We sat there watching him eat grass admiring his gigantic horn thinking to ourselves when he abruptly stopped chewing and began staring us down....could this really be the end?
For the section of the park with lions, tigers and bears, Oh my! (-- couldn't resist) they did have really safe containment. But here's the fun part: that containment included you! Yep, you were inside all the fencing with them. I couldn't help but remember the 1997 film The Lost World: Jurassic Park where they enter the park through this massive gates and once in there's no easy way out. Eerily similar today I must admit. We were about 20 yards from 3 mama lions sunning themselves and licking their chops. If they felt like it, they could have waltzed on over to our car for a sniff. You have to laugh when you read the signs upon entering..."Keep your windows up and do not feed the animals. They may bite." ...may...bite? Are you kidding me? Are people stupid enough to really take that chance? The bears, according to their own personal signage "enjoy removing your side-view mirrors". Lovely. I can imagine the start of the phone conversation on the trip home: "Yes Matt...I know we just bought this car and I know I promised to be careful but NO I did not cut another car too close and crush the side-view mirror...a bear ate it." Uh-huh. Sure it did.

It was about time to get out of the city again and extricate the girls from the television set. For most of the time it actually felt like we were somewhere else...until it started to rain. But what did we expect? We sucked it up anyway and found ourselves having a very fun and exciting day. Even when Mr. 20-foot tall giraffe wouldn't let me continue on my drive through the park, all we could do is giggle because really...what're ya gonna do about it but sit and wait. And wait.

The girls had an absolute blast, there wasn't one bickering session between them, no tears and the best part for me, at this point in my pregnancy, hardly any walking. Score! Perhaps we had such a good day because we didn't know what to expect and we sort of just "went with it". Or better yet, maybe it could have been that I uttered the word 'no' all day. Ya know what though? Some days you just have to let it all go, give in and say yes to everything!

I bet you're still as beautiful despite swallowing a watermelon :)
Looks like SO much fun! I don't think the girls could be ANY more cute! Love those last two pics of them together.
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