As most of you know, I'm not the most proactive of planners. It's actually quite surprising considering my mom has apoplexy if things aren't sorted at least 2 weeks in advance (smile mom, just a little joke). So when it came to Avery's birthday celebration for big ole #5, planning crossed my mind in about December. December 31st to be exact. Her birthday is January 12th mind you. When I actually got my bum in gear however, it was about the 5th of January and everything worthwhile was booked 6 months in advance. Luckily I was able to swindle a little deal with our local Leisure Centre and I was able to secure the date of 11 February. only a month behind. Not bad. Now, ask me if I've started planning Sloane's party for May and all I can muster is a big hearty laugh.
Her party was absolutely FABULOUS and we couldn't have had a better time. We invited her entire class and a few other friends we've picked up along the way. We headed to the Leisure Centre where the kids had a ball at Rascals, a gigantic playplace. Imagine the coolest playground with tunnels and chutes that tower about 3o feet in the air. Not only did the children have fun but it was one of the only times they allow the parents to partake in the activities too! We got to climb 20 foot high slides and throw plastic balls, play football and basketball and act like children again. It was incredible!
Once we had our fill of the balls it was time to fill our bellies. So we walked the gaggle of boys and girls and headed for Bradley's...a very shi-shi little restaurant right down the road from us. In we walk with about 10 adults and a total of 20 children all ready for a fine dining experience. I thought the kids would be crazy but they were on their best behavior and acted like they'd grown up eating in a fancy restaurant. Now that I say that, most of her classmates probably have grown up in fancy restaurants! (ha ha). We are soooo far out of our league!
I have to tell you all a funny story about the restaurant. When I called (with much trepidation) to ask if I could have a party there, the owner Simon, said sure. I clarified a bit and said...would it be okay for about 30 five-year-olds...he responded with "35 year olds? Sure, no problem." Again, I re-clarified and said no...thirty...five-year-olds. The response was....."ER.....ER....well?" Needless to say, I convinced Simon and he worked with me on the menu and all the fixings.
As I mentioned, it was fantastic and it was the first time that my expectations of services in London have been exceeded. They've never had a party for a munchkin before but it seemed like they were old pros. The restaurant had 4 on staff for the party: a waiter, waitress, bartender and chef. Each child was served pasta and chicken like they were the only one in the restaurant. They opened the bar for us, served the adults trays of canapes and made sure we had our coffee and capuccino's. There was NOTHING for Matt and I to do...we just sat around and watched the kids have a ball at the party. The best part was the cake...they dimmed the lights and helped us sing Happy Birthday to Avery. Immediately they cut the cake in the most perfect little squares, put them on fancy plates with a scoop of ice cream and dashes of powdered looked as though our cheap little CostCo cake came from Wolfgang Puck himself.
Overall I think the kids had a super time and Avery felt like she was on top of the world. It was one of those things that I think she'll remember forever. She did however, miss her friends back home in Jersey and wished they could be there to share in the fun. There really isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't mention, all you little ones at the Westfield Y pre-school....WE MISS YOU!!!!! Below are some pictures of her friends at her new school...
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