Sunday, 9 October 2011


We're back.  Finally...after a TWO-YEAR hiatus...I am back to blogging.  Life is no longer going to get in the way and I am going to stop insisting that my posts be perfect, funny and ultra-informative on the happenings with the Dunker Family.  Instead, I'm going to be trying out my new mantra "more doing, less thinking" because as I've been learning, it takes a long time to think about the things I should be writing, the stories I should be telling and the pictures I should be taking.  It takes very little time to just DO IT!

So, that's what I shall be doing from now on.

I believe, since it has been a full two years give you a brief update since our last Thanksgiving post.

I finally decide to get my UK driver's license
My father is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease
Spring Break in Turks & Caicos with the Peyman's, Sweets, Dunkers, Gribuski's and Bugeja's

Thanksgiving in the South of France with the Clarke's
Miami getaway...just the two of us
Matt's promoted early again
Land's End, Tintagel Castle, the Eden Project, Penzance and Cheddar...900 miles in 3 days!!
Watched the Bronco's lose to the 49ers in England
New York and Colorado summer as always
Michelle & Jeff's amazing wedding
Avery in 3rd grade, Sloane in Kindergarten!

Matt get a bit of a promotion...again!
 We finally buy a house in the country and move for the 4th time!
'Point of View' rebuild is completed
New York & Colorado for the summer
Avery flies to AZ with Harrison
Bones heads to an amazing dog ranch in Kent
Ravello Italy for a beautiful wedding 
Matt passes the CFA!!!
Our 12 year wedding anniversary
Avery in 4th grade, Sloane in 1st and Anderson started Nursery!!!
Sloane loses her first tooth
Stella & Dot is coming to the UK and I'm a Founding Independent Stylist!!
(check out my FB page and 'LIKE')
Matt and I pass the Life in the UK test...and are granted Indefinite Leave to Remain

....Olympics, Self-employment, Skiing, Remodeling...hoping the financial marketplace doesn't spontaneously combust...
The list goes on and on...
Stay tuned!!

I suppose you might want to see what the kiddo's look like since it's been 2 years.

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