...generally for most it's marked by the end of Thanksgiving, or perhaps the first snow or even just the 1st of December. For us though, it begins with the gymnastics Christmas display that's been all consuming Avery's lessons since the beginning of October. It's quite an incredible production and the girls have an absolute blast. On one hand the display is the perfect culmination of all their hard work over the course of a year and it's a great charity event. On the other hand, it's one of the most stressful and agonizing things we parents go through. Can we get tickets? Do we have enough tickets? Can we manage to arrive 1.5 hours early so we can get in the queue for good seats? The list goes on...
So here are a few photos from the first performance of six that she's doing this year. They've been cast as snow white and seven dwarfs and Avery happens to be Sneezy. Not much commentary this time...I figure I had better post these pictures quickly as I've been pretty lazy about doing it lately. Not that I don't have anything else going on in our lives. Ah...but that's for another post altogether :) Maybe I'll get those done in let's say...a few months or so.

A little warm up

Avery's best bud, Dani...a sleep dwarf and Ha Ha Choo!!!
And a final bow...what a great show it was!
I can't believe how big Avery is getting. I can remember when she was just a baby. Time seems to fly by so fast when they are young. I am so impressed on how talented a gymnast she is, but then again she has good genes.
Hey rons england family
That looks like sooo much fun!!!!
Avery is soo flexible! And looks like she is very talented!!!
Speek soon hopefully! :)
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