Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Baby Number Four

NO! I'm not pregnant....not not not pregnant. I just figured it was time to officially announce our latest addition. He's been with us since the 1st of November but I've been a little busy to post much. Better late than never.... And here he is:

our lil' great dane
He was sooooo little at the time despite looking huge. He's 11 weeks here.

Not too impressed with the 3 hour ride home.

The girls were THRILLED with their surprise. They had no clue where we'd gone!

Tuckered out after a long day with the girls. That's how he used to sleep.

This is how he sleeps now. C-R-A-Z-Y!!

He's very obedient and he's a really quick learner. Clever clever boy. He's just sooo stubborn!

This bones over a month ago...he's even bigger now. According to the vet, he's now 38ish kilos which is about 84 pounds! You should hear his bark...

Just a little perspective of just how big his head is! He just loves Anderson and takes very good care of him. He's quite the protector.

He LOVED the snow we just had! He couldn't get enough!!

Goofy ears...he had the zoomies and he just lost it and went wild!

In case you are interested....here is his daddy:
...and the handler is tall. We're in for a big dog I do believe!!

Monday, 22 December 2008

And now it's Sloane's turn in the spotlight!

As most of you are aware, we're a gymnastics minded family. Well, at least some of us are...much to his dismay and my chagrin, Matt is slowly coming around. He sees how much the girls love it and how their eyes twinkle and that seems to be enough for him.

So, since it was display season at the Club, Sloane got her chance to stand under the spotlight.

And boy did she shine!!

Time for a brief little warm-up...shakin' out those itty bitty legs and arms.

And now it's time to get ready for the jump turns and bunny hops.

...and now gettin' ready for the forward rolls.

Out for the final bow...

At the end of the show, all the Gymlets got the chance to come back out on the floor and give a big wave. Sloane wasn't impressed and really just wanted to the part where she would get some sweets from the flippin' Santa.

No, she wasn't angry...he was truly a Santa that did flips across the floor! Check out the pink tights!! :)

Her big sister was soooo proud of her, as were we all.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

It's officially Christmas...

...generally for most it's marked by the end of Thanksgiving, or perhaps the first snow or even just the 1st of December. For us though, it begins with the gymnastics Christmas display that's been all consuming Avery's lessons since the beginning of October. It's quite an incredible production and the girls have an absolute blast. On one hand the display is the perfect culmination of all their hard work over the course of a year and it's a great charity event. On the other hand, it's one of the most stressful and agonizing things we parents go through. Can we get tickets? Do we have enough tickets? Can we manage to arrive 1.5 hours early so we can get in the queue for good seats? The list goes on...

So here are a few photos from the first performance of six that she's doing this year. They've been cast as snow white and seven dwarfs and Avery happens to be Sneezy. Not much commentary this time...I figure I had better post these pictures quickly as I've been pretty lazy about doing it lately. Not that I don't have anything else going on in our lives. Ah...but that's for another post altogether :) Maybe I'll get those done in let's say...a few months or so.

Pre-show jitters

A little warm up

Avery's best bud, Dani...a sleep dwarf and Ha Ha Choo!!!

And a final bow...what a great show it was!