We've had a couple visitors the past few days which was a nice departure from our pretty mundane routine. Dana, my sponsor brother...no...not an alcoholics anonymous sponsor...my USAFA sponsor brother...and his girlfriend Robyn dropped in and crashed while they toured London. I haven't seen him since the day of my wedding and it was really nice to catch up and hear about all the things going on in his life. I'm still in awe that he rented a car and made it to London from Scotland without ending up in an accident. And I'm in awe that I neglected to take one photo of them while they were here. Shame on me.
For the past few days, the weather has been gorgeous. Yesterday, there wasn't a single drop of rain and we all got a little bit of a sunburn. Granted it took about 6 hours to get, but hey, it means there was actually enough sun, out long enough to toast us. It's the most welcomed yet measly burn I've ever received. Sloane had a blast just being able to run without us trailing too close behind.

The Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew was our adventure yesterday and we went enthusiastically in search of their advertised GIANT BUNNIES! It was a tad busy because it's now term break for all of the schools but it wasn't so terrible that I wanted to throw other people's children in one of the two ponds. Matt would say that it's because there is over 300 acres of land there but personally I'd almost go out on a limb and say it was the nice weather. It simply put a spring in my step and allowed me the ability to see past the unattended children whose parents couldn't be bothered by their kids' wild-animal behavior. Notice, I said almost. :)
The gardens were absolutely stunning and we were even able to make our way into a tropical rain forest, compliments of an incredibly over sized conservatory, the Temperate House. We learned about bamboo that, in a mere 16 days, grew to well over 6 feet tall. We saw banana trees, vanilla plants, trees that help create thatch roofs and plants that grow without being in any sort of dirt.

Like I mentioned earlier, we went in search solely of the giant bunnies that are said to be about 20 lbs each. Upon our arrival to the petting farm area I noticed the bunny off to the side. That's right...bunnY. There should be no plural used when mentioning the Giant Bunnies at Kew Gardens. Granted, the thing was gigantic but it was still just ONE big ole bunny. We did manage to pet some baby goats and we attempted to hold a baby duck but unfortunately, we were too polite, waited in the queue and subsequently got left waiting patiently while the duck was put back into it's cage. So much etiquette when children and animals are involved.

The trip was still worth it and the formal gardens were astoundingly beautiful. You could spend some serious time walking the grounds and letting your kids tire themselves out running through the immaculately groomed lawns. Click on THIS to check it out. And check out my 3 most favorite people on this earth...

Tonight night it's off to Scooby-Doo Live On-Stage at the Hammersmith & Apollo Theater. I know, I know, you're all jealous of our front row seats. Avery can hardly contain her excitement. She's been saying ever since we bought the tickets that Matthew can be Freddy, she gets to be Daphne and Sloane can be either Scooby or Shaggy. So of course...that only leaves me one option. I get to be VELMA! I told Av that I'd take brains over beauty any day of the week but man...secretly I'm like "Why do I have to be Velma???!!!! I don't even need glasses! That is sooooooo unfair!" Jinkies...what is happening to me?!
Happy Easter later than yours to you and your family. I love to hear what everyone is doing and miss you all.
I hope to get up to see mom and dad soon.
My brother is coming to visit this weekend and I am traveling down home to be with him and his daughter and husband.
I had a great Easter with Andy's relatives.
Much love and please keep me in the loop. Love Phyllis
P.S. Hi Avery and Sloane.
Love the blog girl! It's such a treat coming into work and finding a relaxing highlight of London life. You should seriously think of writing a book, as you truly have the knack for it and just think of all the adventures you'll go through while there. A book could be in the making!!! Take good care and keep the blog coming. Miss you lots, Paula
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